

Friday, March 6, 2009

National Convention Spring 2009


From February 28th-March 1st, Iota Charter went to National Convention at the University of Albany in celebration of the 15th anniversary of Sigma Psi Zeta :)

Convention started off with a presentation on domestic violence awareness, followed by some workshops. At lunch break we sold Sigma T-shirts, champagne glasses, and other goodies. That was followed by a Love line presentation (hehe). Then we went back to the hotel and got ready for the gala--so many sisters were there (see picture above) including one of our founding mothers, Sally Hsieh! She made a really awesome speech :) The food was pretty good (yay for beef!)

Then we went to the party!!!!! A lot of sisters attended the party so it was nice seeing everyone. We left the next morning--it was a memorable weekend and lots of bonding and fun :)

Hope to see you all again soon!

<3 Crisis

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