

Thursday, March 15, 2012



From the Greater Boston Area.
From Starlit.

Well here it is: my redemption blog entry! I apologize ahead of time if it is too colloquial, but it’s Spring Break and if formal writing structure could pause for anything, it should be vacations!

On this year’s Valentine’s Day, love was certainly in the air, rocking out to the tunes of sweet Syzterhood.  That’s right, folks, a Sister event! This year we had a Secret Sigma Valentine (props to Nouvella for suggesting the idea at Chapter), where sisters were given the task of giving a randomly assigned sister a card and/or chocolate (and/or other goodies…)
Art Credit: Forte
Photo Credit: ebullience

The results were awesome!
From Revelation to Forte
Photo Credit: Forte

From Andante to me!
[Oh how she gets me ;)]
From Misaki to Cavatina
Photo Credit: Cavatina

The thoughtfulness and time spent on each gift brought smiles and sparked sisterly love. What more can someone ask for?

 (Not that much more)

The gifts also provided a chance for Sigma love to gain some stage presence and rekindle everyone’s spirit…

…to do another Sister Bonding Event! The Sister Dress-Alike Event! In preparation for style-swapping Sisters were paired and had mini Q&A sessions together beforehand. At the chapter following, Sisters showed up, a little unlike their usual selves. Except for Aranea, who still owes us a stylistic interpretation of ebullience. Some notable swaps are seen here:
L-R: Forte and Cavatina (or is it the other way around??)
Photo Credit: Cavatina
Comet and Misaki
(It should be noted that these two not only swapped styles, but walks
-- these two entered chapter with entirely different swaggers)
Photo Credit: Comet
Photo Credit: Comet
To top off the charm of the evening, the Iotas were thrilled to find a gift from Influence, yellow roses!
Photo Credit: Comet
Thank you Influence, they are as awesome and beautiful as you! 
We loved them so much, so we took them to a Chi Phi Speaker event: Ise Lyfe (Is Everyone Stupid?). 

As February ended, a new event was drafted. With the combined powers of Publicity and Sisterhood, an event like no other, and named like no other, was created: Publisterhood. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly (depending on your personal taste in names) enough, the event yielded results far better than the sound of its name. On March 2nd, after Chapter, Sisters sat down with scissors, felt, glitter, and glue and created an unparalleled beauty.

Personally, I think the most appropriate way to illustrate the details of Publisterhood is through a poem.

The Epic of Publisterhood
By Starlit

For March the Second, the voices of publicity beckoned
to me, to see another event to inspire unity
And so they suggested, an idea uncontested
the creation of a chapter banner. "Sounds good!" I opened my planner.

With felt and pens we traced letters of Times New Roman
(What could this possibly spell?)
Photo Credit: Forte

However our energy felt drained from school
Yes, even our strength as young women,
(Poor Allegro :\)
Photo Credit: Forte

But we found ways to stay cool:
(perhaps too cool, right Andante?)
Photo Credit: Forte
And ways to have fun and play
Even after a long and tiring day:
(I think she's forgiven me by now...)
Photo Credit: Forte
So we continued to snip, and glue
And oh the teamwork that ensued!
(Revelation, Nouvella, and Cavatina in mid banner-assembly)
Photo Credit: Forte

So great was the sight, I thought my eyes glittered
With the endless possibilities of teamwork, 'oh, the hope!'
But then I realized it was probably from the glitter
"Still cool," I thought, "it will probably make the banner more 'dope'"
(Allegro, Miki, and Vitalia in mid banner-assembly)
Photo Credit: Forte
With glitter amounts further refined
And a promising image coming to mind
A final piece was being designed!
A yellow rose, for sure
A symbol for all to adore
And need I say anymore?
(Cavatina in mid banner-assembly)
Photo Credit:Forte
Finally, with everything adhered
The banner's epic tale concluded, dears.

Photo Credit: Cavatina
And of course for something with looks so terrific
We took time to take a large number of pics 
Photo Credit: Forte
"True to our colors, red and gold"
"Sisters forever heart and soul"
Photo Credit: Forte

With half the semester left, there's plenty more to come. 
Just a reminder here is the schedule for the events in Founders' Week which starts this Monday (3/19)!
  • March 19th-21st: tabling in Wilson Commons to get people on campus to share a thought or two regarding domestic violence, to create a post it collage
  • March 22nd: Elizabeth OuYang from OCA-NY, will be coming to our campus to speak on racial issues regarding the death of Pvt Danny Chen (6:30-8P; Goergen 101)
  • March 23rd: Sister Event! & Mixer with PDPsi
  • March 25th: Community Service, volunteering at Sojourner's House (1P-4:30P)

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Allegro said...

Hahaha great job Miss Starlit <3