Congratulations to the Class of 2012, and Forte ;)!
I realize that I may not be posting this blog entry much as a publicity (since I am no longer one, hehe) but more as a personal note to my dear Sigma seniors who just graduated. So pardon me if it's a bit random, (although I'm sure nothing can beat the randomness of "From Carlson, By Starlit")
Considering that many seniors will be staying in New York after graduation, I have no doubt that there will always be chances to reunite, whether in the city or in the great old Rochester. Nevertheless, I think I’m more worried about spending my last year at UR
without the sisters who have become role models and mentors in my
Forte, Ebullience and Vitalia |
Stop rolling your eyes. I know the class of 2012 is only one year
above me, and most of them still make as many questionable life
decisions as I do, but that one year makes a difference. You girls and I
are basically the same age—so we can still relate to one another—but
we’re also at two different points in life. In the past almost-three
years at UR, whenever I needed an answer to one of my existential
questions, all I needed to do was grab a green tea latte at Starbucks with any of you. We all know that we are nowhere close to the perfect role models, but lack of
perfection doesn’t mean that we don’t have something to teach others.
“Who’s going to grab coffee with me next year?” I’ve started
wondering to myself and actually, that's the thought that terrifies me the most.
Ebullience and Comet |
I’m not ready to be a senior and I’m sure there are other juniors who
feel the same way. “Well, personally, I’m ready to be a senior. There’s
a certain ease on campus that they carry,” remarked one of my
classmates. What if I don’t think I carry that ease yet? Do I just fake
it? I’m not sure if any juniors will come to me for advice next semester,
since I think I’m pretty ill-suited to doling out bits of practical
wisdom. However, I want to listen. Maybe that’s where the air of “ease”
that my friend mentioned comes from. Ease comes from knowing you
survived three years at this institution, and you can handle it—and
thrive, even—for another year. So, if an underclassman comes to me with
distress on her face about her finals, I can be empathetic because I
went through the same worries. But I also did just fine, and I can at
least try to assure her that she will too—and give her my old study
Because that how you guys helped me through my years here.
Misaki and Vitalia |
Anyway, to the class of 2012, I’m not sure to whom I’ll turn when
you’re all gone from campus. Maybe I’ll finally call my mom more. But
thanks for the coffee dates, shoulders to cry on, arms to hug, laughs to
share, boozy brunches, frantic emails and text messages, study guides,
late-night study sessions, memories that should probably be
forgotten and memories that should never be forgotten. The class of 2013 will pass it on next year.
SyriAe and Andante |
One more time, congratulations to
Forte, Ebullience, Vitalia, Misaki, Andante, Comet, SyriAe!
Iota Chapter would not be where we are right now with all your work, dedication and passion. Thank you for everything you have done for us and you will forever be our sisters, heart and soul. We do not want to say good bye
because tomorrow when we stand there to become a part of your world, we
would look for those familiar faces, who would draw their hands out and
share their experiences with us. Please come visit us often (it's Rochester, I know) and hang out with us when we come visit. And whenever you have time, don't hesitate to chat, skype or call us, maybe?
[From a super-sad-because-there's-no-one-at-Starbucks-anymore Cavatina]
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