

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cute post of the day

Cuz I don't have Facebook to share

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sigma Psi Zeta National Convention in Orlando, FL


Happy summer everyone!!!

I can honestly say that this was one of the best Memorial Day weekends I have ever had. “Why?” you may ask, and I will answer very happily, “because of Sigma Psi Zeta’s National Convention :)

This year, Sigma Psi Zeta’s National Convention took place in sunny Orlando, Florida. We had five active sisters attend convention from the Iota Chapter, Wai Ling “Revelation”, Yichen “Misaki”, Trissha “Nouvella”, and our Fall 2011 neos, Morgan “Aquilina” and Victoria “Reaper". We were also joined by two of our alumnae, Camille “Nocturne” and Stephanie "Thalia". 

The most exciting news of convention was that the Iota Chapter won 4 Psi Sistership Awards!!! We won them for Citizenship, Integrity, Activism, and last but not least the Psi Sistership of The Year award. I was pleasantly surprised, and I feel so proud to be a part of this chapter! Good job and congratulations to all my Iota syzters :D

Here is a brief summary of our time in Orlando.

Yichen, Morgan, Victoria, and I arrived on Thursday, so we had extra time to play. Exhausted from our flights and waiting at the airport, we decided to take a dip in the hotel pool and Jacuzzi when we arrived at the beautiful Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort. After lounging in the hammock overlooking the serene lake, we all decided, this was the happiest place on earth.

We're so happy at our lovely hotel

On Friday we went to Typhoon Lagoon, one of two Disney themed water parks. We had so much fun riding water slides, tube rides, and of course the lazy river, ahhhh…

Coming back from a fun day at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon

Friday night, Stephany “Improv” from Mu Charter and Wai Ling who arrived that evening joined us. We all headed to Downtown Disney for a nice Irish dinner, filled with Irish step dancing, music, and of course, full-bellies.

Aquilina, Improv, and Reaper enjoying a nice dinner at the Disney Irish Pub

We found these adorable Steamboat Willie dolls at Downtown Disney!

Saturday was convention day! Our keynote speaker was from the Harbor House, a DV shelter in Florida. She was an amazing and informative speaker. Check out the Harbor House website Following that was 2012-2014 Ebod elections. Our very own, Nocturne was elected as Sigma Psi Zeta’s National President! Congratulations! Also, we voted on the convention location for 2014, and it will be located in New Orleans, LA. We then had various workshops, presentations, and activities that were both helpful and fun. It was so nice to get to meet and interact with sisters from across the country. I even found one from my high school!

Hello Sigmas :)

Iota Actives and Alums :)

We all got prettied up for the banquet that night where we had delicious food and were presented our Psi sistership awards. After the banquet, we celebrated the fun packed convention day with a Sigma outing to Bliss Ultra Lounge in downtown Orlando. It was so much fun to dance the night away :)

(L to R) Revelation, Nouvella, Misaki, Reaper, Aquilina, and Improv enjoying our delicious dinner

On Sunday, we decided to go to Disney’s Hollywood Studios. It was a fun-filled day of theatric shows like the Indiana Jones stunt show, trilling rides such as Tower of Terror and Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, delicious food like Turkey Legs, and the grand finale of the day, the Disney Fantasmic water show.

Misaki's favorite :) Turkey Legs! 

Aren't the convention tanks so cute?

Reaper and the Stormtrooper!

Monday was the day we all left Florida. Even though it was sad to see it end, the beautiful weather, meeting new sisters, and the magic of Disney, it was a great kick off to the summer.

Bye Orlando, bye Sigmas. See you soon! 

As Pattie “enACra” said at convention, if we all save $2 a day, come next May, you will have saved more than enough money to go to convention and enjoy the area. So, lets start putting away our monies, and I hope to see everyone there at 2013’s Sigma convention in LA! This was definitely one of my favorite Sigma memories <3