

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Greetings from Japan

This is random, but I was standing on the corner of a store in Tsudanuma today and I turned around and found this. Just made me miss you guys a bit ;)

<3 Nocturne

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Korea Night After Party


Chalking on campus

Iota Charter <3

Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority hosted Korea Night After Party @ the Drama House on Saturday March 21st, 2009! We advertised by flyering and chalking the grounds on campus, with the help of Angela Lim from Tau Chapter. We had our own DJ Relapse who spun good music all night long :) We had a pretty good turn out and we showed off our National Stroll !

Three of our sisters were actually part of the Korea night show and performed a traditional fan dance. You girls looked so beautiful :')


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tea Tasting (Spring 2009)


On March 25th 2009, we had our Tea Tasting event as a part of Wake Up In Wilson. We cosponsored with student activities office and dining service. They provided teas and hot water so we don't need to worry about food safety.=)
We made a poster board with tea-related information and introduced four kinds of teas: Houjicha, Jasmine Tea, Oolong Tea and Chinese Green Tea. Apparently, Houjicha was the most popular one^^.
Thank all sisters who helped at the event or showed up for the healthy and tasty breakfast.

Friday, March 6, 2009

National Convention Spring 2009


From February 28th-March 1st, Iota Charter went to National Convention at the University of Albany in celebration of the 15th anniversary of Sigma Psi Zeta :)

Convention started off with a presentation on domestic violence awareness, followed by some workshops. At lunch break we sold Sigma T-shirts, champagne glasses, and other goodies. That was followed by a Love line presentation (hehe). Then we went back to the hotel and got ready for the gala--so many sisters were there (see picture above) including one of our founding mothers, Sally Hsieh! She made a really awesome speech :) The food was pretty good (yay for beef!)

Then we went to the party!!!!! A lot of sisters attended the party so it was nice seeing everyone. We left the next morning--it was a memorable weekend and lots of bonding and fun :)

Hope to see you all again soon!

<3 Crisis