

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Class of 2010

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2010! You ladies have definitely contributed so much to Sigma and really helped to make it what it is today. In the past four years, we've accomplished a great deal as a chapter thanks to you. We'll really miss you all and hope that you'll come back and visit us in Rochester!

Lynna Gu, Annabelle Estera, Rena W, Christy Zheng, Kerry Wang, & Camille Enriquez

Lynna Gu, Annabelle Estera, Rena W, Christy Zheng, & Lingyu Liu

Looking forward to seeing you all again soon for our 10-year celebration!

Here's a video slideshow that I hope brings back some good memories :)

- link in case the video doesn't work! --

Congratulations to Annabelle "Cadenza" Estera, Camille "Nocturne" Enriquez, Christy "Collision" Zheng, Kerry "Ballistic" Wang, Lingyu "Λpex" Liu, and Rena "Crisis" W & Lynna "Influence" Gu!<3>

True to the colors red & gold, sisters forever, heart & soul


1 comment:

Christy said...

thank you for the beautiful presents! and the card was absolutely adorable and a great idea! i'm going to miss y'all so much. you have all been such a big part of my life. syzters for life <3
