

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sigma's Sweet Sixteen in Seattle

This year, our national convention was held in Seattle, WA, the first west-coast convention. Rho Chapter hosted an amazing convention with line syzter dinners, to an amazing cruise party and a fantastic gala. We met a lot of different sisters, and finally got a chance to meet sisters on the West Coast!

Some other highlights of this trip??

  • We sold out of the super cute shirts that Rena designed!
  • We won our first ever Psi Sistership Award!
  • 3 Iota sisters are now on National EBOD!
  • While taking a national group picture after the workshops, meetings, and elections, a bride and groom decided to jump into our picture and take a few pictures of their own! It was a little weird, but really fun and interesting =)
  • seeing the famous fish-throwing, singing people who sell fish, and buying some really amazing smoked salmon from them

Congratulations to our entire chapter for getting a Psi Sistership Award for distinguished Achievements in Integrity!!! And congratulations to Stephanie “Thalia” Liu and Camille “Nocturne” Enriquez on becoming the new Chapter Directors and Alice “Vitalia” Wu on becoming the new Speaker of the Council on EBOD 2010-2011!!

It’s been a great year for us, and we’re definitely headed towards becoming even stronger and closer than we already are.

Our Rho host, Nancy “adinah” Ho, was incredible and very helpful. We owe her a special thank you for everything that she’s done for us this weekend. It was an amazing weekend, and this convention really set the bar for future conventions.

Here’s some pictures of this weekend. =)

Iota Chapter actives with the Psi Sistership Award for Integrity =)

Sight Seeing in Seattle!

Getting ready for the cruise party. Iota Omicron


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